Thursday, February 5, 2009

Encouragement Challenge

I have been trying to do the 30-day commitment to encourage your husband from Penelope's Oasis. This means I won't say anything negative to my husband or about my husband. Every day I try to find a way to encourage him through what I say and do. (I have also been praying for wisdom for my life.)

Yesterday I asked J what life is essentially about and he shared his philosophy with me (basically that life is about deciding how much you are willing to give to others). That didn't seem too spiritual to me, but James said it was. I immediately had a negative reaction. But I bit my tongue and thought about the truth of his statement instead of what I didn't like about it. It was so hard.

I woke up this morning and began to go through the motions of getting ready and was about to pour some cereal when I thought, "Feed your soul before your body." I almost ignored it, but I didn't. I got out my Bible and a verse came to my head that related to J's statement. I looked it up and found it twice in Matthew, once in each of the other synoptic Gospels, and even in John!! (Matthew 10:39 Whoever finds his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life for my sake will find it. ) The lights went on in my head! Good grief, if God made sure it was in the gospels 5 times... Spiritually, my life depends on how much I give to Jesus and how much I save for myself, or even give to the enemy. Jesus is clear: When it comes to Him, He wants all of me!

When J was drinking his coffee, I explained how I had thought through what he said, and that it was very wise. I showed him the verses and told him how thankful I was to have him as the head of our family.

In retrospect:
If I hadn't prayed for wisdom...
If I hadn't held my tongue last night...
If I hadn't obeyed God and read my Bible before J woke up...

James 1:5 If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him.


Anonymous said...

wow! J boiled the simple truth in as few words as one could. I also need to work on beauty and care of my tongue. The Book of James says how small a little member of the body and how big a fire it can start.

Anwen said...

He's a blessing! ;)