Yesterday I began reading about Montessori again, because I would like to do Montessori-style homeschooling for preschool when we have a little one of our own. I don't completely accept Montessori theory, but the emphasis on beauty, order, reality, and peacefulness appeals to me. I also like the idea of having a child's activities on shelves organized, and taking seriously what children do. It seems to me that the sooner a child learns to wash a dish and cut his own fruit, the better! Also, I have never liked to have a lot of plastic around. In the kitchen it all hides in one drawer! I would much rather have things that look neat and are made from natural materials. Especially clay and wood.

As I was reading I decided to make my house more Montessori-friendly now! If I never had a bouquet on my own table....why would I put one on a child's? So I looked up the lesson on washing dishes and set to work. But this time my eyes were opened! I saw disorder everywhere. I ended up organizing the pantry, the fridge, going through my library and getting rid of the low-quality reading material, and making the kitchen beautiful! Or at least easy on the eyes...
P.S. The second photo was taken at our favorite vacation spot- Shelter Cove, CA.
Montessori does wonders for an adult too, I think! I bet you'd also find the Waldorf philosophy interesting (if you aren't already familiar). As a Christian, I of course disagree with the anthroposhical underpinnings but the emphasis on rhythm, natural toys/clothing, seasons, etc. is very peaceful and really makes a lovely home environment!
I looked into Waldorf but was immediately turned off by the 'anthroposophy.' I should probably read more about it so I can glean the good from it.
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