Last weekend I went to my grandma's house because she had had a heart attack and needed someone to make her meals and take care of her. We have already lost one person in our family this year, and it is hard for all of us, especially Grandma. It was nice to be able to do something for her. After we ate each meal we would just sit and talk.

The thing she always reminds me about is this: "All we have is this moment." Yeah, Grandma, I know, all we have is today; we don't know if we will even be here for tomorrow. " No!" You can sense the stamp of a foot in her voice, "All we have is this very moment. The one we're in right now." It made me think. Although I must plan somewhat for the future, it is true: I can only choose what I'm doing in this moment. I can only love the people near me in this moment.

(Photographs were taken at Grandma's house.)
You never cease to amaze me...Gorgeous post; thanks for reminding me of how important the moment is and loving the people in our lives now, not after they're gone. Hugs & kisses...
I love you...
The pictures are beautiful!
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