After discovering Gennine's Art Blog, I had an epiphany, well, it's actually as if ever since I started reading these blogs by creative Christian women, my eyes have been opened more and more, and this art blog made it even more clear. Somethimes the people around me seem impressed that I make homemade bread or knit mittens. Then I kind of pat myself on the back. I'm satisfied and complacent. But after reading about people like this I realize: I can be SO MUCH MORE!
So I would like to say...Don't let anyone's expectations keep you down! Even though people are impressed with you or approve of you, go past that! Who cares if you make people 'sick' because you are so amazing? I don't think God wants anyone to get complacent. He has given us amazing gifts. What's your neglected talent? Go for it! Shoot for excellence!
P.S. Before taking this photo I realized I was using ugly plastic cups for water and brushes....so changed them out for jars. It's those little touches that are so easy but I don't think about. I'm learning, from all you lovely people, how to make life more beautiful. (And also I'm not saying I am on the same level as Gennine as a painter, I am just inspired to do my best with what God has given me.)
What a beautifully inspirational blogsite...so many adventures and inspirations out there in blogland! Hope you're enjoying the little birdie book you got for Christmas; when I found it, I thought of you...
You are amazing... go for it!!!!!
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