Wednesday, November 5, 2008

In my weakness He is a twenty foot tall iron-fisted warrior!

Whenever I am wondering what to read for my devotions and my husband is not using the computer, I go to The Daily Lectionary page at the CriVoice website. It is a lot to read, but I just read what I have time to.
I don't always read and pray as much as I should, but reading 7 Minutes With God was the catalyst for the most significant change in my life. I had been overcome with fear, depression, and panic to the point that I was ruining the friendships I had with the people I saw every day. This article was just what I needed at that time, and I began reading and praying many mornings of the week. (Even Sundays!) Soon I realized that God was changing me, and giving me stability. And I was beginning to get to know this Jesus, the one who was supposed to be my friend, but I didn't really even talk to. So here is the link to it in case you need a little inspiration or know someone else who does.

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