Sunday, November 16, 2008

Beauty Checklist

I was reading Checklist for Life for Women this morning and came across the devotional on beauty. It inspired me to devote my blog to beauty this week. Each day I will share a quote or thought about beauty along with two of the items from the checklist in the book. Here is the first quote:

"Strident voices may tell you that you that you are not good enough and will never measure up to today's artificial and airbrushed standards of female beauty. But you can cultivate gentle strength, love of beauty, and a quiet nurturing spirit instead of trying to fit into the world's mold....remember Esther's brave spirit and never forget that lasting beauty comes from a heart that is at peace with God, ready to offer a womanly touch to heal a hurting world."

I will...remember that lasting beauty begins in the heart.

Things to do: Ask God today to reveal to you what special feminine gifts you can develop.

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