Saturday, February 28, 2009


After longer than I care to admit, I have finished the painting requested by Grandpa Tom...
I have never painted a detialed landscape before. In the past, I used thick lines and colors, not layers. I would pretty much draw the picture and then fill it in like a coloring book. That's how this painting began. After watching a few you-tube videos, I saw that I could paint layer upon layer. I tried it, and for a first attempt, I'm pretty happy about the results!

(This painting is taken from a photo of Grandpa Tom's farm that Grandma took.)

I was in the middle of making cherry fudge delight, or something like that, and had thought I would post the recipe. Well I have to say nobody in the family relished the end result: brown sticky cherries, biscuit, ice cream, and hot fudge. Plain cherry pie and ice cream would have been lovely. But the cast-iron pots are just too dear!!! I had to post the photo anyway.


GrammieC said...

The painting is wonderful!!! You are so talented!! I can't wait to see it. Bring it by. I think I have a flat box a frame was in that would protect it during shipping. Besides I want to see it in person!! Good idea to put it on the blog before you send it.

Anonymous said...

Thank you foe letting me see the painting in person. You are so talented!!! Also thank for your help today what a blessing you were to me! See you soon or Monday which ever comes first,

Barbara said...

Wow! Nice job!! Wish I could see it in's out your Grandma's kitchen window; it looks just like I remember it! It's a beautiful farm and you did it justice in your beautiful painting...

PS Nice to see the pots are being used...

Alexandra said...

Beautiful! I used to paint and draw. Wahhh, I wish I had more time the day.