I always used to feel overwhelmed at the idea of taking on more than one challenge at a time. I guess something happened in my heart last weekend. It's like a switch has flipped. Peacefully, without having to flex my willpower until little beads of sweat pop out all over my forehead, I have begun eating healthfully, exercizing a bit, and keeping my home neat...every day. I have to chalk it up to it being purely the grace of God.
A healthy diet and cleaning help each other out. When I eat healthy meals and don't snack all day, I am in a better mood and my energy is excellent. I am only getting hungry enough to relish my next meal, not to get grumpy. In a good mood, it is easy to do my chores. With my dishes clean, it's convenient to make nice home-cooked meals anytime. I'm doing things with a bounce in my step! (I have been loosely following my penny-pinching version of the Maker's Diet.)
So here is a thank you to God, for gracing me with a beautiful week.
"Not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit" saith the Lord.
I was motivated to share this post after reading Jennifer's process of learning about health, eating, and spirituality. An interesting and unique read!
Good for you! I've always found that making lasting and effective changes starts with little steps. Just put one foot in front of the other and give yourself a LOT of grace to not be perfect.
I absolutely adore the bible verse you've chosen to make your blog's motto. It's an inspiration to me!
Alright! Always thought that helps, but sometimes we have to experience it ourselves to take it to heart (as opposed to someone giving it as advice...) Glad you are growing in those ways; it will make your journey a lot smoother! Just remember the 80/20 rule and it usually makes a difference...
PS Did you see the other two blogs I posted yesterday? It doesn't register in the updated blog list if I do more than one in one day... I had to get caught up, so I did three!!!
Hi Auntie!
I'm sorry I was such a rebel to you about all your food advice. I hope you'll forgive me. All your sugar warnings were indeed true! Mom and Dad, you, and others taught us what was healthy growing up, so knowing what to eat is now no mystery for me, it's putting the plan into action that is such a challenge!
For some reason, God simply gave me the grace to do what was right last week. :)
Ah ha!!! You are getting wiser in your old age... Speaking for myself, I'm finding my stomach doesn't work well when I eat refined products, and it is the favorite food for the "bad critters" to thrive on--oh no!!!!
Waaaaaaaah! Oh well, God gave us plenty of great stuff to eat, so I shant complain...
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